Would you let a machine hire you?


Gershgorn, Dave. “AI Is Now so Complex Its Creators Can't Trust Why It Makes Decisions.”Quartz, 7 Dec. 2017, qz.com/1146753/ai-is-now-so-complex-its-creators-cant-trust-why-it-makes-decisions/. Algorithmic biases: Lipton, Zachary C. “The Foundations of Algorithmic Bias.” Approximately Correct, 7 Nov. 2016, approximatelycorrect.com/2016/11/07/the-foundations-of-algorithmic-bias/#more-41.

Faggella, Daniel. “Machine Learning Healthcare Applications - 2018 and Beyond.”TechEmergence, 22 Mar. 2018, www.techemergence.com/machine-learning-healthcare-applications/.

Pickens, Hugh. “When the Hiring Boss Is an Algorithm.” Slashdot, science.slashdot.org/story/12/09/21/1437253/when-the-hiring-boss-is-an-algorithm.


The UX paradox